ATTENTION:  Insurance Producers...

Revealed! CARROLL SHELBY'S Long Lost Secrets To Creating A Personality Based Business That Differentiates You From Every Other Advisor In The Country!

Are you finally ready to stop losing deals to the other annuity hacks and brokerage house advisors stealing your customers and costing you money?

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Order Recordings of the Live Stream Immersion Event

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From: Brett Kitchen

Most annuity and IUL marketing is primitive, unsophisticated and fundamentally unimproved in decades. Seminar companies and fmo’s slap lipstick on the old pig with ‘seminars,’ workshops and referrals, but nevertheless they all wind up putting you in the same place:


That means you are perceived as the same as everyone else. Nearly all annuity and IUL marketing is just another ‘come to my seminar’ offer…

…making the same vague promises about ‘safe money’, using impotent generalities about wealth protection, retirement income, and tax free income.  

Maybe worse, all compete for the same prospects flooding invitations to the same group of consumers to the point where the ‘target market’ will get 6 free dinner invitations in a single week!

Once you do get in front of a qualified lead, that’s when the problems really start. They’ve likely talked to another financial advisor, CPA, or 2 or 3 other annuity advisor already…or they will as soon as you share your strategies with them.

This puts you in the losing position of working for free, educating your competition, and ‘hoping’ to close a few deals that pay the bills.

Not to mention it’s demoralizing and frustrating as can be.

The result is at best, a decent living, at worse, declining market share, and usually declining margins as costs continue to rise for client acquisition…which means you do more work for declining income.

You can dance around this by talking about ‘digital seminars’ to lower marketing costs, but you are treating symptoms, not curing anything.

The only cure is TRUE differentiation.

And that has been almost beyond the reach of all but a few producers until now…

The truth is there are very few paths to differentiation in business.

Unfortunately 2 of the 3 are already eliminated from us. The first is killed by compliance. We aren’t allowed to create ‘irresistible offers’ that make it compelling for people to buy from us.

The Second is killed by the structure of the industry itself. We’re all selling the exact same products from the exact same companies.

This a singular problem in our industry that doesn’t exist in almost any other business in the world.

This problem is so severe, I believe it is why 90% of agents never last past the first 3 years.

It also has a lot to do with the fact that the average agent only makes about $50k per year.

That’s probably not you.

You’ve found a way to make a decent living in the business, but if you are anything like the other advisors I talk to on a regular basis, you’d like to increase that income number, maybe even double it…while improving your enjoyment of the business and reducing the frustration of losing deals you should have closed. 

This major problem is only going to get worse with the Amazon effect, it’s only a matter of time before our business is impacted.

What is this devastating problem?

Commoditization Is Killing Your Income

I can think of few (if any) other industries where the products we have to sell are exactly the same as all the competitors. Think of it.

A car dealership can add incentives, free oil changes for life, free accessories, better warranties or lower the price to get people to buy their Toyota Tundra vs the dealership down the road.

Banks can differentiate by creating better products for their clients.  Lower loan rates, more cash back on their credit card purchases, or better interest rates in the savings accounts.

CPA’s and Attorneys are in control of the services and pricing of what they provide to the end client.

But what control do you have over the interest rate

of the annuity?

What control do you have over the fees or returns

in the IUL?

How do you differentiate ABC annuity against the next guy quoting the exact same ABC annuity?

Obviously the answer is NONE.

Sure, you may think you have access to an exclusive product that has a few compelling benefits that other annuities don’t have…but thinking your ‘product’ is your valuable asset is fools gold. 

Annuity and IUL products change faster than a tornado flattens a woodshed.

In fact, EVERY MONTH a new product is getting introduced or changed to be more exciting or different.

What happens when, (NOT IF, but WHEN) your ‘favorite exclusive product’ gets beat by another annuity?

And, why would you want to be held hostage by the whims of an insurance company in the first place?

Far better to be the one calling the shots, controlling where the business goes, REGARDLESS of what insurance companies do.

That’s why what I shared during this
Immersion Event is so important.

And learning this is growing more important by the year.

What I’m going to share with you is the solution to largely eliminating these problems so prospects and clients see you as the ONLY option to solve their problems, and they are eager and excited to work with you…regardless of what product you sell.

They’d never think of buying from some other ‘annuity salesperson’ or financial advisor.

How do you pull this off?

It’s using a secret of some of the most successful CEO’s, Business people, Celebrities and Athletes in the world.

One of the wealthiest marketing experts in the world Rich Schefren once said “Different is Better than Better.”

I’ve never forgotten that. “Different is Better than Better.”


Because prospects know what different is. They can tell when they come across something new, they’ve never seen before. It’s interesting to them. They are curious about it. And curiosity is one of the most powerful human motivations that exists.

Curiosity drives people to action.

If you show up as just a ‘better’ financial advisor or annuity salesperson, there is no curiosity. There is nothing exciting about that. This happens instantaneously and almost imperceptibly from the prospects subconscious mind. The very second they see something they recognize as ‘familiar’ they categorize it as ‘nothing new’ and the interest fades away.

This is why Differentiation is so important.

I don’t want you to be a ‘annuity advisor’ or ‘financial advisor’ or ‘insurance producer.’

The best way to be “Different” is to be a unique personality that is attractive, interesting, and recognizable.

You are someone special… unlike anyone else they have talked to before.

And lest you think this ‘won’t work for me,’ think of this…

Carroll Shelby Went From Broke Chicken Farmer To Worlds Most Famous Car Designer

Carroll Shelby was a dirt broke chicken farmer. Using the strategies we will share in the Personality Based Business he became the world’s most famous car designer and uber-wealthy in the process. 

If a guy showing up with chicken crap all over his coveralls to the racetrack can do this… so can you!

Never fear.  

I’m not going to make you ‘Kim Kardashian’ famous.

I’m going to make you an attractive character that your prospects are excited to meet with, that your prospects see as someone exciting, different, and better than all the other boring financial advisors pitching products.

In fact, in our dedicated session called “Shelby’s Secrets”  we are dedicating an entire session to breaking down Carroll Shelby’s GENIUS, step-by-step strategy to raising himself to the pinnacle of the car industry…and how you can do the exact same thing!

If you attend for nothing else, you’ll want to see Shelby’s Secrets.

It alone is worth the price of admission because of the lessons you can glean from a guy with no privilege, no wealth, no reputation to hang his hat on, to getting the largest car manufacturer in the world (FORD) to partner  in a company together!

The other major benefit to the Personality Based Business is that it creates clients that stick with you for life.

 Your client base is the most valuable asset you have in business. Yet they can also become a drag on profits if you have to spend a lot of time servicing them without getting paid down the road.

In a Personality Based Business model, you ensure that with every new client you add, your future income goes up as well, because they are loyal, referring clients who send new business to you and buy more from you regularly.

You absolutely need this if you want to be in business for another 5-10 years.

Clients are fickle and if you don’t have a concrete strategy for creating a lifelong loyal relationship, you’ll lose tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every day new options abound for who they can do business with.

But guess what, there’s ONLY ONE YOU! This is why it’s critical to implement personality based marketing into your business.

Your Training is the Best in the industry.

I just closed a $35,000 case from following your personality based marketing strategies.

Dave B. - Colorado

Every time I attend one of your events I make money.

Joshua S. - Florida

Here's how and why I can make you this promise...

 My name is Brett Kitchen, I'm the annuity industry's leading marketing expert.

I've generated over 300,000 IUL and Annuity leads, and my team has written over $50 million in commission from these leads, much of it virtually.

We’ve had clients following us, buying from us, and working with us for over 12 years.

 Since the very first day we launched “Insurance Mavericks.” Many have paid over $100,000, and some as much as $200,000 during their lifespan with us. 

We’ve created a bond with our lifelong clients by creating a personality based business where no one else can compete with us.

You can do the same.

The Personality Based Business helps you get prospects to trust you to the point where it doesn't matter what product you recommend, they will simply follow your recommendations.

Every sale you lose by not having this working in your business, by not being positioned as a powerful, magnetic personality your prospects want to do business with, is costing you real money.

There are over 1.9 million licensed agents competing for your prospects money.

According to Harvard Business Review the vast majority of people said they wanted a guaranteed income for life, but once they knew it was an annuity 1/3 of them said they weren’t interested in buying an annuity. This shows that focusing on selling products is the worst thing you can do. Focus on selling yourself as a authority personality and only recommend product once you’ve established your client will follow your recommendations…whatever they are.

There is nothing more frustrating than losing a huge whale case you should have closed because they didn't trust your recommendation and bought from your competitor, or did nothing at all.

Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Will Discover In This 1 Day Live Stream Immersion Event...

  • You'll get a full blueprint on creating a PERSONAL BRAND that makes you different, attractive, and makes you stand above all other advisors.
  • The 4 different types of stories you should use about yourself to get prospects and customers to BOND with you and trust you, and buy your recommendations!
  • Fascination Workshop: How to identify the fascinating elements of your life and personality that people will find interesting and bond with.
  • How to create a unique mechanism and proprietary process that is EXCLUSIVE to you, and prospects can’t get anywhere else. (This is a breakthrough most in this industry will NEVER accomplish.)
  • How to use these fascination elements inject personality into everything you do; from your emails, website, videos, face to face selling, and shock and awe packages.
  • The single most important thing you can do in PROSPECT PREPARATION before you meet with clients to ensure prospects know they are meeting with someone important. 
  • What you can learn from Oprah when it comes to having clients that stay loyal to you even over 5 or 10 years! 
  • Why it’s important to REPEL customers…and ATTRACT them at the same time.  You will save yourself a LOT of heartache and enjoy the business much more after doing this! 
  • The secret of “character-crafting” and how this makes you the “guru” in your prospect’s minds (this is THE key to making your customers look forward to all your messages!)
  • How reveal your compelling and authority building origin story in 4-5 sentences (This is the secret for telling a story WITHOUT taking forever to do it!) 
  • How you can take your everyday experience and make them useful in your marketing.  This is the key to making your customer bond with you—and stick out in their minds.
  • How to use the power of the parable to create ideas that stick in your customer’s minds (this is the key to gaining influence in your market…AND your customers!)
  • Get the exact steps to create a Reputation and Brand that prospects want to buy from.

Here’s what you’ll experience after this 1 day event:

  • Imagine how fun it will be when your prospects show up on your appointments already knowing who you are and what you are all about!
  • Have the confidence and to REPEL the prospects you don’t want to work with. This creates compliance to your recommendations before you ever even meet with a client.   (This vastly reduces problem clients down the road.)
  • You will be the expert people ask for your help and advice, instead of referring to you as the 'insurance guy' they respect you as the Money Expert.
  • Experience your friends and clients telling you they see you everywhere!

So Here's The Bottom Line With The Personality Based Business Immersion Event

In just 1 day you'll have the exact process to inject personality, fascination, and authority into all your marketing. You’ll see how to build a relationship so strong with your prospects and clients they willingly buy from you, refer their friends and family to you, and stay with you for life.

Order Right Now

Click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!

To more leads, money and lifestyle

Brett Kitchen

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